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Service request form

The form below is intended for reporting technical problems during and after the warranty period on websites made by Handlopolis and SarraWeb.

You can also report here the service of other services (expansion of websites or online stores, additional configuration or installation of additional plugins on websites made by other companies).

If you are reporting a defect or a service to be performed and you want to illustrate it with a graphic / file or screenshot from the website, attach the files below. To describe the problem or order in more detail, enter the numbers or names of the attached photos, which they refer to. Don't know how to take a screen shot on a Windows PC? (\\nPress Windows logo + PrntScrn keys simultaneously)\\nPrint Screen on MacBook? (Press Shift-Command-4, then move the cross-shaped pointer to where you want to start the screenshot. Press the mouse or trackpad button, drag over the area you want to capture, then release the button.)